Monday, January 28, 2008

Trip to the ZOO

On Saturday we had a great day at the Zoo. We met some of our good friends from Church there--David and Stephanie and their daughter Bella, and Sara B. They have Free Days here in Denver at several of the cultural offerings--ie. Zoo, Art Museum, Botanical Gardens, etc. So, we decided to take advantage of the great weather, and free admission and enjoy a day at the Zoo. We had a great time seeing all of the animals, and Stephanie and I spent time comparing notes on childcare and tips for traveling with a baby (for our upcoming trip to Atlanta).
Shawn especially loved that it was his first trip in his stroller as a "big boy". We have the type of stroller travel system that has the ability to transport the car seat carrier on top. It has been such a lifesaver these past six months (Thanks again, Noel and Cherie!!! :) ). But our sweet, inquisitive son loves to look around and see what is going on. So, our Zoo trip was his first trip in the stroller outside of his car seat. Now that he can sit up well, he was perfectly fit to ride in the stroller and absolutely LOVED IT!!!!
Here are some pictures from our GREAT day! :)

Shawn riding in his stroller...all bundled up. :)
Aunt Sara puching Shawn in his stroller. She loved getting to show him around the zoo.
Dave and Bella riding the merry-go-round. She loved waving at us as she went around. It was too cute! :)
Shawn all bundled up a little later in the day. It started getting a little cooler, so I put on his gloves and hat. He couldn't quite figure out how to get his hands out to suck on! :)
Shawn with his favorite Aunt Sara. He really loves her! :)
Up close of Shawn. He was watching all of the other kids there that day.
Me making faces at Bryan. This was after I realized he was taking pictures of me. I got home and he had about twenty of me not looking at him! He is so crazy! :)
All of us at the end of the day: (L to R) Sara, Me, Shawn (sleeping), Stephanie, Bella, and Dave.

For some AWESOME pictures Bryan took of the animals, click here to visit our business Blog -- .

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