Thursday, January 17, 2008

Game night and Good friends

We hosted a small gathering for dinner and game night tonight. We had such a good time! We invited Sara from church, and my cousins Heather and Bryan. We all had dinner--roast and potatoes, YUM--and then started into the games. We played Mad Gab and my team won (go Mom and Heather!), then Bryan's team won (go Sara and Brian). Then we decided to try our luck at '80s Trivial Pursuit. Boy is that game hard!! I was either too young to remember the '80s or was in Africa (starting in 1986) and so I was not very good at the game (sorry Sara). However, I did get the question about the host of 'Price is Right'--Bob Barker, duh. My mom said I loved him as a baby/toddler and would watch the show every day. HA! We'll miss you, Bob! :(

Here are some quick photos from the night:

Quick group shot: (L to R) Sara Billingsley, Mom, Bryan, Heather, cousin Brian

Sara and I conspiring on our answer.

Brian being goofy! :)

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