Sunday, January 20, 2008

New clothes and homemade baby food

It seemed to take Shawn forever to outgrow his 0-3 months clothes. (Or maybe I was just tired of seeing the same clothes over and over due to "blow outs"!) Either way, I finally packed up his teeny-tiny clothes mid-December and unloaded the 3-6 month clothes. It was so exciting to have new outfits to dress him in. And he looked so cute in them! But in the last month he has completely outgrown them! So, we made a trip to the local baby clothes store called "Once Upon a Child" (thanks Stephanie for mentioning this store!). If there is one in your area you should definitely check it out. It is a consignment store for name brand, gently used clothes. While we were there they were having a HUGE sale and I bought 28 items for $15. It was such a bargain for all the great things I got!

We also found a cute duck that quacks several songs. When we showed it to Shawn he hugged on it and wouldn't let go until after we left the store with it! HA! We also found a great set of giant building blocks. I brought them home and ran them through the dishwasher before giving them to Shawn. Bryan took this picture. I know it is random, but I love all of the vibrant colors.

Shawn's new blocks.

I have decided that I am going to make Shawn's baby food from scratch. I am very excited and have received a lot of support from my friends at church. So, as you saw in my previous post, we started with Avacados. And then I made a batch of Carrots. The Avacados were fairly easy to make because they squish easily. My handmixer and I made short work of them. However, the carrots were a little more challenging--steaming, a hand mixer, and two blenders later, they were finally ready to be put in the ice cube trays. Once they are frozen they are put in a baggy and I can remove one cube as needed. I am going to make a batch of Green Beans next. I'm hoping they blend better than the carrots!

In the kitchen making baby food.

Avacados--don't they look yummy? HA!

Carrots--now these do look kind of yummy. And they taste pretty good, too.


Unknown said...

We're making our own babyfood, too! Nice to know someone else is playing the role of Sally Homemaker!!

Bloggin' Mama said...

Hi, I don't know you, but I blog hopped over here from Kristy Patterson's blog and happened across this post about baby food and just had to comment.

I have made all of my own baby food for both of my kids and have found that a $15-$20 small food processor works much better than the blender. I also have a book recommendation called "Super Baby Food." It has every food you could every possibly want to make for your child in it with ages they can eat it and how to prepare it the simplest yet most nutritious way.

Sorry to post something so random since I don't know you.... You're doing a good thing though!!!!