Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Update -- part 3 -- Shawn is 2 months (and 3 months)

When we got home from Austin, it was time for Shawn's 2 month check up. I can't believe how fast he is growing up! It was the 'well baby' exam where he gets a lot of shots. It was so hard to be in the room for the shots. Bryan held him down while the nurse did her magic, and I stood in the back and cried. (Hopefully I will be better next week when he gets his 4 month shots).

Here are some of his stats from the 2 month appointment:

Height: 23 inches (57th percentile)
Weight: 11 lbs 11.2 oz (62nd percentile) -- he put on 3.5 pounds in 5 weeks!
The doctor indicated that Shawn had some acid reflux, which is quite common at this age. He prescribed some medicine to be given as needed. It seems to have helped quite a lot.

Before my Mom left to go the Phillipines, we made a trip over the mountains to see my Paternal grandmother. It was the first time she met Shawn and it was a special time for me. Here she is holding Shawn when we went on a tour of the waterfalls in Ouray, CO.

At around 2 1/2 months Shawn started sleeping through the night. He usually sleeps for about 12 hours at night. We have a night time routine of bath, book, feed, and down to sleep--it seems to be the right routine for our little guy. Mind you, he sleeps 12 hours at night but does not usually nap during the day. We are lucky to get 30 minutes of cat-napping at a time. Which means I don't get much done during the day. He especially loves to go shopping....anywhere. He loves to look at all the sights offered in the mall, the grocery store, even in Wal-mart. It is really quite funny.
[I love these little baseball shoes. Now they are too small. :( ]

[This picture is from Trunk or Treat (read other post) but it was also his 3 month birthday.]

At his 3 month check up (we had some concerns so we went in) the doctor said he was developing right on schedule. He was up to 13 lbs 12 oz. The doctor said that he was very advanced for his age--more like 4 or 5 months, rather than just 3 months. He is so alert and perceptive of his environment. Can you tell I am a proud Mama? HA. :)

He loves to laugh and he talks all the time. I keep reading that you should talk to your baby and leave pauses for them to "reply". But I have a hard time getting a word in! I wonder if he is going to be this talkative when he really learns to speak. He loves to watch football with Daddy, so I have to really monitor his time near the television--he will even try to watch t.v. upside down. He is so funny!

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