Wednesday, November 28, 2007

4 month Appt & other pics

It is hard to believe that Shawn is already 4 months. I feel like we just found out we were pregnant and now he is already 4 months old!! He had his check up today and the Doctor said that he is very healthy. The Doctor got a lot of enjoyment out of just sitting and watching Shawn wiggle and talk and try to run (I'll have to post a video of this--it is hilarious). Here are his stats:

Weight: 14 lbs 6.3 oz (41%)
Height: 62.5 cm (40%)
Head: 40 cm (18%)

The Dr. said there is still hope that Shawn will be tall like his Daddy (or maybe even taller). It was Shawn's second round of Immunizations. He had to get 3 shots and it was not any easier than the last time.

Here is a picture of Shawn with his bandaids. He was such a trooper!

Here is Shawn smiling at Daddy.

Here he is in the Bath tub. This is definitely one of my new favorites. He doesn't like doing tummy time unless it is in his bathtub. Which is usually fine, unless he has added fluids to the bath tub (if you know what I mean)! :)

We received a Baby gift from Dwight and Ann Evans (formerly of Westover Hills C of C in Austin). These shoes have his name and birth date imprinted on the bottom. He is finally big enough to wear them. I love this picture because he was screaming, but he is still SO cute!

And here is one where you can actually see the shoes. They are so adorable. Thank you so much for the sweet gift. :)

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