Sunday, August 26, 2007

Shawn's Blessing

Baby Shawn was honored at church today. Our church has a tradition of blessing the new babies and their families. They also commit to helping to guide the child as they grow older. It was such a neat experience and we were so excited for it to finally be our turn.
Here are the three of us getting ready to go up in stage.
Here Tasha is explaining the new procedure for the blessings (they just started a new tradition and we were the first to go through it). We are on stage with our preacher, Reg Cox, and one of our Elders, Gary Southern.
They then said a prayer for Shawn. It was funny (hence why everyone is smiling) because during the prayer Gary said that they were raising hands before God and Shawn raised both his hands. I was the only one not aware of this until afterwards. I guess I will just have to watch the video.
They also presented Shawn with a beautiful blanket and Bryan and I with a year subscription to Focus on the Child (part of the Focus on the Family website). The verse on the blanket says: (Matthew 19:14) "But Jesus said, 'Let the children alone, and do not hinder them from coming to Me; for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.'"

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