Saturday, August 25, 2007

Foster Family mini-reunion

We had a Bar-B-Que at my uncle Rick's house to celebrate my grandfather's 75th birthday. It was a great time of celebration with a lot of family present. It was a lot of fun to see two of my cousins who have had babies this year--altogether we will have 5 new babies born on my mom's side of the family this year.
Here are 3 of the 5 new additions. (L to R) Jacquie with Edison (born the first week in August), Becky with Emily (born in March), me with Shawn, and Jennifer with her daughter Fenix.

It was also an opportunity for us to get a 4-generation picture. This is my grandfather (Gerald), my mother (Susan), me, and baby Shawn. There is a 75 year age difference here.

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